Thursday, January 24, 2008


Increase Sales By Properly Using Googles Adwords

Most Internet users use Google and other search engines on a regular basis to find information, products, services and more. Most website owners will find that Google directs 2 to 3 times as much traffic to their website than Yahoo and MSN combined. Therefore, it may be a good idea to pay Google to send focused traffic to your website. This can be accomplished by registering for Googles advertising service Adwords.

You may already be familiar with this service and dont even know it. Adwords are the paid advertisements that show up on the right side of Googles search results under "Sponsored Links.". Adwords also appear on many commercial and personal pages as a way for the website owner to make a little money from their website. These advertisements usually carry the caption, Ads by Goooooogle at the top. The service is termed a pay-for-click service because Google will charge you each time an Internet User clicks on your advertisement and visits your website.

Adwords is a terrific complement to any existing advertising campaign, but probably should not be used as the sole marketing channel for your website. This program allows you to control your advertising budget by giving you the ability to set the maximum price that youre willing to pay, per click, and also a maximum allowable daily advertising budget. You choose the keywords that you would like to target, bid on the maximum per click price youd like to pay, and Google will send focused traffic to your website. According to Google, Adwords text advertisements boast a standard click-through rate four to five times higher than traditional banner ads.

Because you are paying Google per click, you need to ensure that your traffic is highly targeted for your website. It doesnt make sense to pay a lot of money for a lot of click-troughs and not generate any revenue for your business. It is important that you follow a few guidelines to ensure that you dont waste your precious advertising dollars:

Choose Specific Keywords

It is smart to avoid choosing keywords that are too vague or general. To generate highly qualified prospects you have to choose very specific keywords. This way, competition for the keyword will be lower, and it will cost less per click, and you wont be throwing money away on expensive, unqualified leads. For example, if you only sell Green Widgets, dont bid on the term Widgets it is too broad and youll pay for clicks from people searching for Red Widgets

Use Geographical Targeting

It is smart to start small by limiting your advertisements reach to a selected area. This way you can see the effect it will have on sales without spending a lot of money. Later on, you can expand to other regions; go national, or even global. If your business only caters to the local community, then you should only advertise in your city and surrounding localities.

Use Proper Grammar and Spelling

This tip may sound like a no-brainer, but it sometimes goes neglected. Whether they want to admit it or not, a lot of people are terrible spellers and possess poor writing skills. But, a text advertisement that has misspelled words or doesnt read clearly is not going to get clicked, and it reflects poorly upon your company. Make sure that you check your ads for both spelling and grammar errors. Have a friend, co-worker or employee proof read your ad before submitting it.

Look at the Competition

No matter what kind of product or service you are promoting, chances are, someone else is doing something similar using Adwords. Search for the terms you are likely to use in order to size-up the competition. Pay attention to their ads wording, titles, or incentives they use. You dont wont to make your ad exactly like the competition, but its smart to know what their doing to ensure that your advertisement is going to be effective.

Stick to Your Budget

Create a budget and stick to it. In marketing, there is a saying, I waste half my advertising dollars, but, the problem is, I dont know which half. Its difficult to know how effective the Adwords program will be if youre also utilizing other marketing channels (as you should be). When checking out, give your customers the option to let you know how they found your website. If you find Adwords is paying off, then it may be smart to increase your budget. It also may not be very cost efficient to bid for the #1 spot for every keyword. The #2 position may be almost as effective, but cost only half as much.

If your website doesnt sell or promote anything, then it doesnt make sense to pay for traffic. If this is the case, Google will actually pay you to display Adwords advertisements on their websites. To find out more information regarding the Adwords program, Visit Googles Advertising Programs.

Paul Coulter owns and operates a Toronto Website Design company that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO). Blog66663
Faye Blog787

5 Ugly Myths About Starting An Online Business

There are many myths about running an online business, and if you come into the online business world expecting these myths to be true; the failure of the business is inevitable. Money myths can be a one-way ticket to internet failure.

-There is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme. There are millionaires who get rich quick, but it's usually a combination of hard-work, creativity, and luck. However, there isn't one formula on how a person can get rich; in fact many people find their own path to riches simply by hours of research and hard-work.

-I can just set up an automated business and go on with my life. Eventually it will get to this point, but in the beginning of your entrepreneur career, this is almost impossible. Many internet Gurus simply do not tell us about the hard-work it took to get to the point where their business was automated. It can be done, but it can take months and even years of our dedicated hard work.

-It doesn't cost any money to make millions online. There are ways to make free money on the internet. These are called "bum marketing techniques" and require a vast amount of research and a great deal of hard-work. Even if we do start up a business for little or no money investment, we will eventually have to put in some type of investment to increase the profit potential of our business.

- "If you build it, they will come", the true internet marketing saying is "If you build it, they probably won't even know you exist". If we build a website, it is very important to dedicate a great amount of our time to Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the internet marketing technique of utilizing the power of search engines to increase traffic to a website. When a potential visitor types in a keyword phrase for the search engine, it is highly important that our page show up on the first result page. This can be done by writing keyword rich articles and updating our site with rich genuine content.

- It is wise to set up multiple sites instead of just focusing on one. Many people believe if they set up 50 sites that bring in one dollar a day, then they'll make 50 dollars a day. However, if a person puts all that time in effort into one site, they'll make an even greater amount of money.

Chris Knight is passionate about the possibility of running an online business. He expresses the amazing benefits of running an online business in his blog a blog dedicated generating success online by establishing multiple income streamsVernice Blog10257
Virginia Blog89042

Networking & Business Advertising - Soft Sell or Hard Sell?

Imagine being able to reach 1000s of business people for the fraction of the cost associated with general advertising. Well now you can use online networking platforms dedicated to businesses.

Many online platforms have dedicated areas where business people can advertise their services for free once they are a paying member. In Ecademy we have Marketplace which was a lot more powerful when the adverts were shown on the front page than it is now.

The best way to start on these sites is to participate in the discussion on the blogs page and slowly work your way towards advertising your wares in their marketplace. There is nothing worse than to join a site, plaster it with adverts for a few weeks and then leave never to be heard of again!

The worst thing you can do is to advertise your business in areas that are designated for blogging only. In Ecademy we have the Blogs area where it is OK to talk about business and non business related issues but is frowned upon by the members when they create what is known as a "blogvert" - in essence this is a shameless plug which makes almost no attempt at hiding the advert for their products.

Most of these sites promote "soft selling "as opposed to "hard selling" tactics.

In a nutshell what this means is that when you join do not blast your proposition to each and every member but rather try and entice them into asking about your business and what you can do for them. Do not be too pushy or manipulative. Realise that most people who join these platforms have also got businesses and that they will be trying to make contacts with potential buyers as well.

I believe in the theory of random connections. Basically what I mean by this is that one should not purely base their networking on the basis of potential business but rather focus on making decent connections and contacts. Strive to help other people and you never know who might in turn return the favour... if not now maybe in many years to come.

The art of online networking is to not to expect too much too quickly. The benefits will accrue over time and many years. Some people make the mistake of trying online networking for a few weeks and then giving up because they did not achieve any positive results. It takes time to build trust amongst other members especially the long serving ones who have seen many new people come and go.

I first tried my hand at online networking in June 2006 and quickly realised that normal rules of business do not apply. The best way to enjoy yourself on these types of platforms is to try and make friends. Business will come later... and rest assured it will come if you participate in the blogs and clubs.

Be enthusiastic and helpful, listen and join in the discussions but beware... do not let online networking take over from normal day to day business chores that still have to be carried out. It is far too easy to change networking to notworking!

Do you know any other platforms that allow businesses to advertise their wares? How has your experience been so far of business networking platforms? Have you got any tips for "newbies"?

Naz Daud is the Founder of the CityLocal Internet Business Franchise Opportunity.Veronika Blog94314
Filia Blog52926

4 Ways To Increase Your Company's Sales

When faced with diminishing sales or a shift in profitability, sometimes a company will seek opportunities to expand sales by using different marketing methods. These time-tested marketing principles are used by businesses to seek out new opportunities to satisfy the needs of the consumer.

There are 4 ways to increase sales and expand revenue for your company. It is not necessary to use more than one of these methods. The best choice of the 4 methods is the one that will meet the needs of the company and the consumer best. This will provide a win-win situation for all concerned.

To increase sales consider one of the following methods for seeking opportunities in your target market:

1. Market Penetration:

Increase the market share of your current products in your present market. By up scaling your marketing mix you can increase your sales. To do this you advertise your present products more frequently and promote your company's image to the public through institutional advertising and publicity.

2. Market Development

You can also try to sell your present products in new markets. You have to do some market research on the needs of the consumers in these markets first. Your product may have other demographic groups that need it as well. This is a recommended area to investigate for more profit. Often your present products are in demand in other locations, with other age groups, or professional groups. This is an opportunity for more sales many companies look for.

3. Product development

You can increase your sales by offering new and improved products to your present market. This will give you an edge over your competition. Your customers will view your company as being progressive and up to date. This is not only a great way to increase sales, but your customers will remember your company because of the unique product you sell.

4. Diversification

If you are well established in one line of business, you may wish to diversify into a totally new one. This means moving into a new market with a new product. This can keep your profits on the rise. Here again, market research and marketing plans have to be made first.

As you can see there are opportunities for gaining sales in all four areas. The best choice for your business depends on your goals and the resources you have. The best way to capitalize on these strategies is to start with your present strengths and look for market opportunities that complement them. Then do your market research and planning. The sky is the limit when you plan ahead using these proven marketing tactics.

This article may be reprinted in full. The resource box and hyperlink must remain intact.

Marc Entz is the Editor of The SavePress Smart Money Directory, a new upbeat site for people who like valuable resources for saving money. You can read several articles with tips for business or pleasure, or catch up on a variety of related news at our website online now: Blog5381
Fortune Blog64042

Network Marketing Business Opportunity A Powerful Model For Extra Income

Networking marketing is still a fantastic business model to provide you with an additional income stream should business slow down. With the emergence of internet based network marketing opportunities the chances of you finding a business that compliments your business activity is even more likely.

Years ago just the thought of network marketing was enough to scare people away (and it still is even now but not as much!) Rumours of lost income and pyramind schemes saw innocent people robbed and disillusioned but it doesn't have to be that way.

A little due diligence can go a long way towards ensuring that you find a reputable company that will support you in your efforts of building a profitable network marketing business. It's really easy to be sucked in by a flash presentation and big income promises but the real work comes from researching the company, it's management and it's financial position before you sign the dotted line.

Your sponsor should also be an important determining factor and their ability to keep you motivated and on track.

It's also important to remember that it's not all income and glamour, there is a scary statistic that I read recently which shows only a very small percentage (2-3%) actually make a huge six figure income through network marketing with many more leaving before they really get started.

But many people still enjoy a regular ongoing income if they stick with their business for a few years and keep working at it.

Running a network marketing business takes work and commitment. It is no different to running your own business and if you happen to be doing both then it's easy to see why people give up. So it's always good to remember when you are considering taking on an extra business that it's going to take your time, energy and extra money in promotion if you want it to suceed.

For that reason it is important to find a company that you really like, either because of their product or their work ethic. If you can promote your network marketing business to your current clients that can make it even more worthwhile.

It makes it easier when you are feeling like you are tired of promoting or if you have had yet another person say no!

I know a yoga teacher who promotes Herbal Life, a therapist who promotes Tahitain Noni Juice, quite a few Life Coaches who promote Success University and because these businesses fit in well with their current business they are able to enjoy the extra income and even recruit new distributors.

I run 2 network marketing businesses providing different topics but both of them fit into my love of personal development and internet marketing. HelloWorld provides me with an opportunity to promote the work that I do and publish events that I record (all be it briefly) as well as fulfilling my love of streaming digital media (I am becoming quite the geek!) and Success University is an alternative to coaching for people who can't afford it, or for people who just need a "maintenance" program to keep them focused. But I don't only promote these products I use them too.

There are many benefits to running your own network marketing internet based business and I will be talking alot about them over the coming weeks because I believe in it's power as a business model. It has certainly kept my head above water over the last few months as I gave up coaching to focus on building my online business Women Internet Marketers.

Ultimately I want to be known for developing my own business but as I believe in the power of developing income streams from many sources network marketing is still a powerful source to consider.

Diane Corriette runs Women Internet Marketers at and a network marketing business with VM Direct at Blog93947
Filide Blog76677

Millions At The Kitchen Table

Chapter 1

How You Can Make Up To $2,778.00 A Day Sitting At Your Home Computer!

Even Out Of A Small Bedroom In Your Home!

By Jason Ryan Isaksen

An Amazing But True Life Story About Internet Marketing And How You Can Cash In.

Anyone Can Do What I Do!

I know you probably think it sounds like I'm exaggerating when I tell you I make up to $2,778.00 a day sitting at my computer.

As crazy at it sounds, I actually do it on a regular basis and I only spend a couple hours a day at my computer. And I really believe that anyone over the age of 9 or 10 years old can follow my example and do exactly what I'm doing. I know a few secrets and I'm about to reveal them to you in the pages ahead. So keep reading if making up to $2778.00 a day is acceptable to you.

Of course I can't and won't guarantee that you'll make the exact same number of dollars I make everyday, but what I can do is tell you how I do it. I'll reveal some of my most confidential secrets, tips and tricks along with a complete money-making system that produces a serious income!

How Much Money Do You Really Want To Make?

My average income per day as I sit here writing this book for you is averaging just above $2,700.00 per day. Some days I make more than that, other days I make less.

As of October, 2004 I've generated over 2.4 million dollars using my internet marketing system. Now that's gross, not net, but at least close to half of that is net(money that I got to keep.) But I don't want to sit here like all those other internet marketing gurus that tell you over and over how they're millionaires.

No instead I'd rather just show you a few of my actual bank statements from my business checking account so you can see my total monthly and yearly deposits for yourself. While others just talk, I offer proof!

These days it seems like everyone is flapping their lips trying to convince us of how much money they make. Don't listen to what they say. Ask for proof! Ask them to show you actual bank statements like I do. Then watch how fast they try to make up excuses about why they can't show you their bank statements. They'll say things like: "Oh I can't show you my bank statement because that's confidential." And the only reason they won't show you their bank statement is because you'd laugh if you saw most of them. That's why they keep it so confidential. But I believe anyone who is really making a serious internet income will be more than happy to show you a simple bank statement as proof.

So I'm going to show you one of my actual bank statements just so you'll know I'm the real thing and not one of those phonies. Click here to see one of my bank statements from a single month. Keep in mind, that's only one of my bank accounts. I have two more business checking accounts that also have extremely large deposits going into them every week. Yes, I make a good solid living and I'm about to show you most of the keys to my income so you can start making the same kind of cash-flow for yourself.

After you finish reading this book, you'll know almost every secret I use to produce this much income and you'll know how to do it the same way I do.

But keep in mind, you might not need a million dollars a year to support your lifestyle. As individuals, all of our income needs are different. It's possible that you aren't as materialistic as I am and it's possible you don't desire the expensive trips, cars, and homes that I have. I often talk to students of mine that tell me their needs and wants are more modest and they'd be happy if they could even make half the income I make. Heck, $1,000.00 a week might sound great to you especially if you don't want to work very hard and you don't need all the fancy stuff I've got. I've even talked with some "Stay-at-home-moms" that say they'd be delighted to make just a mere hundred dollars a day if it meant they still got to stay at home and play with their kids all day.

Whether you want $100.00 a day or $2,778.00 a day, this book is going to show you how your computer can help you do it! Just like I've been doing it for the past nine and a half years solid!

I also think you'll be glad to know that I'm not a "Lucky" person and luck plays no part in how I make all this money. This is not some fluke that just worked one time for one person. On the contrary, the same system I'm about to show you is being used by hundreds if not thousands of other successful internet marketers that work out of their homes.

Yes, my particular approach is a little better than most, and it's definitely unique, but the basic nuts and bolts of my system have been making lots of other people serious cash for many years.

You Definitely Don't Need An Office and You Don't Need Employees!

I've been working out of a small bedroom in my house for over eight years. I have a small desk with a $500 computer sitting on it. There's nothing special about me, my equipment, or where I do my work. Many people that know me actually tell me I'm a cheap-skate in a lot of ways! I don't want a fancy office with a pretty secretary. I've seen too many big shots with offices, secretaries, and staff go broke. Fancy offices and pretty secretaries don't make money! On the other hand, the correct knowledge does make money. I'm just an average guy who happened to find out a few secrets that actually work! And you're just moments away from finding out how I do it.

As you read these secrets up ahead, you'll find out why you're never going to have to put much of your profits into overhead or business expenses. There's absolutely no reason for you to go out and get an office. Your home will work just fine unless your business grows too large to contain in your home. And that's a great problem to have!

You'll never need to have a bunch of employees. Employees are more trouble than they're worth with all the baggage they bring to your business.

No Need To Ever Get All Dressed Up

One of the perks of working from your home is the fact that it doesn't matter what you wear while you're working. I work in my pajamas, robes, old torn sweats and holy jeans most of the time. Heck, you could answer the phone naked and your customers would never know. Your customers never come to your home and you never go to their home and since you never see each other in person, it's a relaxed atmosphere.

I actually get a lot more accomplished than I ever did working in an office because I'm so comfortable working in my house. There's no reason you can't do the same thing I'm doing. It's a piece of cake!

Now I'd like to tell you how I put this whole home business system together and why it's going to be even easier for you than it was for me. I know you may feel like skipping ahead, but you'll be hurting yourself if you do. This system must be read in the exact order in which it was written for it to make perfect sense. It's important for you to know each step I took to start making the kind of income I now make. This system will make perfect sense if you see how it all began.

I'm about to show you what I do and how easy it's going to be for you to do the exact same thing in your home. And remember, the big checks I get in the mail are not some strange fluke and I didn't just get lucky. I just followed an exact method that guaranteed my success. It's really no different than when you use a recipe to make a delicious dinner. You just follow the recipe and add the exact ingredients. And you always get the same delicious meal.

You could also compare this to a restaurant chain like Burger King, McDonalds, KFC, Round Table Pizza, Carl's Jr., Taco Bell etc. Does the food taste different at a Taco Bell in California than it does at a Taco Bell in New York? No, of course not because they both use the exact same ingredients for every item on the menu. A Big Mac from a McDonalds in the United States tastes the same as it does in a McDonalds over in Europe!

Just understanding why all these restaurant chains are so popular and so successful is going to help you understand exactly how this system is going to make you successful.

What is the single most important common denominator all these restaurant chains have in common? Each one of these restaurant chains uses duplication to achieve their stunning success. The owners of these restaurants know that success can be achieved over and over again and again by simply following a set of instructions or reading a manual that contains the ingredients to a perfect recipe! Yes, duplication is the key!

The reason people who read this book become successful is because it contains the exact ingredients that have already made thousands of other people successful. So as you continue to read through this book, I want you to stop worrying, doubting, and over-thinking. I want you to treat the rest of this book just like you would treat any other great recipe that was recommended to you by a good friend. Remove any doubt you may have about this working for you and just know that you are following a perfect recipe that has always delivered success to everyone that has used these ingredients the way they are written below.

My name is Jason Ryan Isaksen. I'm thirty three years old. My wife Mindy and I have two daughters and a son. Three years ago, using the money I've made from my internet business, I purchased a 22 acre house in California for my family. The best part is the fact that I was able to put 75% down on that house in pure cash. Again, I made all that money by using the techniques, secrets, and strategies revealed in this book.

And just so you know, I still don't have an office and I have no desire for an office. I'm writing this book right this very moment from a spare bedroom in my house that I turned into an office. I'm living proof that one room in your home with one computer is all you need to make up to half a million dollars a year! Most people dream about making this kind of serious money with a home business but I'm actually doing it! It's real but I still can hardly believe I've finally reached my main goal in life! It's still hard to believe that this little book you're reading right now has helped bring such an enormous income and so much freedom to my life!

For so many years I tried business opportunities that just didn't work! I felt like a complete sucker because I kept buying every "Get-Rich-Quick-Scheme" I could find. I was addicted to buying money-making-systems. I bought every "Work At Home" magazine and I responded to every ad. I ordered every course, program, system, and money-making report I could get my hands on. I ordered seminars on tape, franchises, distributorships, plans, and anything else that looked like it could make me stinking rich.

I spent $19.95 on one report and $99.95 on another. I spent $199.95 on a set of eight audio tapes and I spent $399.95 on a distributorship. Heck I even spent $2,000.00 on a website that guaranteed I would make $600.00 a day! It never made me a nickel! In fact none of that stuff ever made me a penny!

I'd be ashamed to even tell you how many thousands of dollars I've spent on worthless get-rich-quick schemes. I bet you've had some similar experiences and you're now probably thinking the "Work At Home Dream" doesn't exist. If you're like I was, you probably don't know who to trust anymore.

I was there too! I remember how it felt to spend all my money and get nothing back in return. But I now realize that all those thousands of dollars I spent searching for a high paying business opportunity were not wasted! It's now clear to me that If I hadn't spent all that money trying different things, I never would have learned some of the secrets I'm about to share with you through this book.

You're lucky! Why? Because I had to pay thousands of dollars to find the information you're about to read. I had to spend over 4 years to find out the secrets you're about to see in just minutes. And you don't have to spend thousands of dollars and thousands of hours like I did!

Let me tell you the main reason I wrote this little book. You'd think I wrote this for the money, but money had very little to do with it. These days, I no longer need the money. At one time I wrote little books like this for one reason and that was because I made serious cash by telling others the secrets to making a rock solid income. A few years ago, I really needed that money badly and it was like gift from above. It's not like that anymore.

Now that I've already made enough money to retire on, I sometimes ask myself "Why are you still writing new books?"

Well, here's the truth. I feel very fortunate. This system has given so much to me that I feel like it's now time to give something back. I remember how hard it was and what a struggle it was before I knew these secrets. And even though I had to spend thousands of dollars to find out one good piece of information that would change my life, I can only hope nobody else has to go through that long, difficult process. I don't believe anyone should have to go through that kind of stress and frustration. I now feel obligated to share my knowledge with you. Keeping these secrets to myself would be a selfish thing to do.

Anyway, it's not like it hurts me by telling you my confidential secrets. Some people have asked me this question: "Aren't you just creating more competition by telling all these people the secrets to your success?"

The answer is "No" and you'll find out why as you continue reading further.

Lets talk about what this book is NOT

First things first. I know some of you reading this right now still can't help but to be a little bit skeptical and have doubts about whether this system will really work for you. But just for a moment allow yourself to be open and receptive so you can truly take in this information and fully absorb it. I'll start by telling you what this system is not about.

It's not MLM, Multi-Level-Marketing, or Network Marketing. This system has nothing to do with that stuff. Don't get me wrong, I've actually made some money with MLM but I just think most people never find success with MLM and I have found a much easier way to make money. And with this system, you never have to meet with anyone face-to-face and you never have to do any real selling. This system always sells itself so you just collect the checks! Since most of the work is automated in this system, you'll only need to sit at your computer for about an hour a day! In fact, even people that don't own a computer can use this system so the market is huge for this!

This system is not one of those pyramid schemes that doesn't even have a "Real" product. No Way!

With this system, all of the money you're going to make will come from providing "Real" products with a legitimate purpose to people who are desperately seeking them. And they'll always pay you top dollar for your product! Every time! I'll give you more information about your product in the next few pages, but I just want you to know that I don't just sit around selling "Get-Rich-Quick" information. No way, there's probably good money to be made doing that, but that's just not what I do. Before I even wrote the first page of this book, I'd already made 2.1 million dollars by using all of the ingredients that make up this system! So even before this book existed, I was raking in a rock solid income by using all of the techniques outlined in this book.

This is not one of those goofy deals where I sell you a bunch of catalogs, brochures, and order forms and tell you to pass them out to make money. In that case I would be the only one making any money while you'd be losing money! No, this system is nothing like that! You keep all your profits with this system. All the money goes directly to you!

After I show you how this system works, there's nothing else you'll ever be required to buy from me. Once you know the secret system, you'll never need to have any connection with me at all. And I certainly won't be taking any of your profits! But the only connection you may want to have with me is for me to help get you started.

My goal is to see you become completely independent just like me. The last thing either of us want is for you to be dependent on me. Your goal in purchasing this system was to learn how to become financially free and completely independent so you don't ever need to rely on others for a paycheck. And most important, you don't want some fat cat boss-man taking most of the money for the work you do in life.

I did not make this system up. I'm sure you've seen the get-rich magazine ads and infomercials that show the owner of the company standing next to a Mercedes, next to their giant cruise ship, or even standing on the stairs of their own lear jet. And you probably already know that many of the people posing in those pictures aren't even the real owner of the company. Often times the person in the photo-ad has a completely different name than the one you see advertised. Yes, these guys often use made up stage names and they set up their own photo shoots showing a life of luxury when it's not even real. All fake!

I want you to know strait up that I'm nothing like that fake stuff you see out there. No way, me and my wife Mindy are totally real people and if you saw us walking down the street you'd never know that we are rich. We don't act like rich people and we don't look like rich people. We look completely ordinary, dress completely ordinary, and even drive ordinary cars. We don't need to impress people. In fact we go out of our way to look like regular folks because we don't want to be treated different in life. Sure, we used to drive flashy luxury cars and dress like movie stars, but we soon learned that people would often try to use us for our money. Yah, every other day someone else would be asking us for a loan or just pleading for us to help by donating some money to them. Sure, they'd ask for a "Loan" but nobody ever paid me back anyway, so that's why I use the word "Donation." Because when you're rich everyone thinks you should just hand out money to every Tom, Dick, and Ha!

rry! You're rich so you can afford it. Right? Well I don't like being used anymore than you do so it's not even about the money.

So Mindy and I no longer try to impress anyone with expensive toys. But the main point I'm trying to make is that every word written in this book is completely true. Mindy and I are not about to risk losing our home, our business, or our reputation by telling a single lie. That would be fraud and it's illegal.

I have no reason at all to make anything up because my true life story is so unique and amazing that it's more powerful than fiction.

This Is Not Just Something That Sounds Great On Paper But Wouldn't Be Easy For You To Do

As you continue reading your way forward, you'll soon see that even a 10 year old child could use this system(where was this when I was a kid.) This system doesn't require much money to start up. So even if you're almost broke, there's plenty of hope in the pages that follow. You don't need any special education. You don't even need an office or a store to do this. You don't need to stock any inventory of products and you don't need any special equipment. Best of all, you don't need to have a single employee working for you, ever! You just need yourself and this book!

This is a completely different approach to internet marketing that has made me over 2.1 million dollars before I even wrote this book!

Be prepared to read this book again and again until you fully understand the big picture. Because once you fully understand what I'm talking about, you're never going to work for anyone else again. You're money worries will be gone forever, and I promise you this: The people that work in your bank will soon have a new respect for you and know you on a first name basis.

I Didn't Go To College

I mostly screwed around in school so I never had any interest in going to college. With no degree, I wound up having to do what I call "Real Work." And when I say "Real Work" I'm talking about jobs such as stock person, grocery bagger, cashier, dept. store sales person, professional cleaner, etc. And when I say I did some cleaning I don't just mean dusting. I cleaned windows, toilets, floors, tiles, and even cars. At one time, I was even cleaning up after a demolition crew. They smashed stuff up, and I had to walk through all the dust and carry out the garbage.

But I don't want to bore you with all the details of all the many odd jobs I had. I just want to let you know that I wasn't born rich and that I actually shed blood, sweat, and tears just trying to live on my own. Those jobs all had one thing in common. They were all "Real Work" and I hated every minute while watching the clock and waiting for the end of the day to come.

It didn't take me long to realize I wasn't meant to have a boss in life. I didn't like taking orders back then and I still don't like taking orders now. And that's part of the reason why I listed so many different jobs of mine up above. I used to get sick and tired of jobs faster than most people. So I'd end up getting fired or quitting sometimes after only one week of working. There were a few occasions where I just walked off a job without even telling anyone I was leaving and never coming back! I would seriously just wait until nobody was paying attention to me and I'd just walk right out the front door, get in my car and drive home. Home was where I like to be. Home was a place where I felt safe, relaxed, and happy.

Yes, I was really good at getting jobs, but not so good at staying with them and being committed to them. Home was just such a better place to be. So looking back, it's really no surprise that one day after walking off a job, I stopped at a computer store and bought a cheap computer with money I didn't have. I had one credit card left that wasn't over it's limit and I used that one credit card to live off of for the next 3 weeks while I sat at that computer determined to figure out how to make it spit out dollar bills.

No Luck! For over a year I tried every internet money-making opportunity I could get my hands on. But I just kept racking up more debt. A year later, I was $46,735 in debt and desperately struggling. Any sane person would have gone out and gotten a job. But to me, a job was not an option. I seriously would have rather been in prison than had a job. At least in prison you can sit down and relax. Ok, well on second thought, I wouldn't want to be in prison either. But I think you're starting to understand just how much I hated having a regular job. Having a boss seemed as close to a prison sentence as I can imagine.

So I just sat at that computer all day long and I answered as many of those "opportunity ads" you see in the back of small business magazines as I could find. I tried every money-making scheme that I came across. If you sold a get-rich-quick scheme, I would have been an easy sale for you at that time.

I tried offline businesses as well as online businesses, but they always turned out to be nothing but lies. And I kept falling for every one of them. It was official. I was an opportunity junkie. If there was such a thing as opportunity junkies anonymous, I probably needed to be there.

But as bad as things got, I was one stubborn son-of-a-gun! I knew I'd rather be homeless than work a day job. At least I knew what I didn't want to do. Looking back, knowing what I didn't want was actually a step in the right direction. So I just kept on trying more business opportunities. I tried them all. I experimented with different ways of doing them and I tested and re-tested each one.

When you look at just how pitiful my life was at that time and how bad things were turning out, it's actually good news for you. If I can suddenly bring in $437,540.00 after being down so low then you know you can do it too! As you continue reading, you're going to see just how easy this really is. Remember, I'm not a lucky person and what I was about to discover wasn't luck. I discovered a recipe for success. Yes sireee, I had found the exact ingredients for a serious cash income!

There are a few reasons why you're likely to use this system and make more money, faster than when I got started. Who knows, you may even do better than me later on too!

But before I ever hit it big, things kept getting worse while I was struggling to avoid losing my apartment back then. I ended up having to move back in at my parents house which as you may know, is a hard thing to do. But I had no choice. My credit cards were now all over their limit, and my checking account had a negative balance. Things were ugly!

But as ugly as things got, I still wasn't going to throw in the towel and get a boss and a job to go with it. No way, I was determined to find a way to get my computer to make me a solid income from home. That was my dream and I was obsessed with being my own boss and finding a simple way to make money from home. I wanted to be totally independent and financially free to relax at home where I felt safe. Looking back I sometimes can't believe that I never gave up and at least got a part time job to help get me out of my financial mess. But I guess I was well aware that every minute I spent working for a boss making low wages, was time wasted. I knew that having a boss and a job would only end up robbing precious hours from me and take away the time I needed to get my own thing going at home.

How Did I Go From Almost $50,000.00 in debt and struggling at my parents house, to buying a house worth over $412,000.00 in just six months?

And How Was I Able To Put Down almost $200,000.00 On That House In Cold Hard Cash?

After Being So Desperate For So Long, How Did I End Up Paying Cash For 2 New Luxury Cars?

I even bought expensive toys for my kids like a horse, a new dirt bike, and a quad racer.

Heck, I suddenly was able to buy every piece of jewelry my wife was asking for! Yah, I scored big points doing that!

Out of nowhere, we suddenly get to travel first class and take exotic vacations as often as we want!

No boss! No cubicle, No office! I take orders from nobody! I am suddenly in charge of my own life! I can suddenly do what I want when I want without asking anyone! I can take today off and go play with my kids at the local park if I want. I can decide to take the whole rest of the week off and goof-off all day with my wife! I can take the next month off for a tropical vacation half way around the world if that's what I decide to do.


I'm about to tell you how I finally made a huge breakthrough in my struggle to create wealth with my computer at home.

I know you've been waiting on the edge of your seat for me to finally tell you how I made this all happen and now it's time to show you how to do the exact same thing I did. I'm going to use the space in the rest of this book to tell you how this system can change your life as quickly as it changed mine.

To find out how to copy my success go to

The Double Payment System has helped others to successfully market their internet businesses for the past nine years. Jason Ryan Isaksen has been a mentor and consultant to small internet businesses as well as large corporations. Yes, Jason Ryan Isaksen has got this whole marketing thing down to a science.Violante Blog80102
Eulalie Blog94527

Business Text Software Means Success Is Just A Finger Click Away

Regardless of what size your business is, the single most important part of its success are your customers. You may have the best staff in your field, with the best management team to lead them, but without customers, how are you going to enjoy enough success to keep that team together? Thanks to mobile text advertising software, the answer may be easier than you think.

What Is Mobile Text Advertising Software?

Simply put, mobile text software is the next generation of advertising to both your existing customer base, and any potential new clients at the same time, using technology that everyone is familiar with. With the mobile phone industry playing such a crucial part in any business, you can see why a service such as mobile text advertising is virtually a no-brainer - after all, wouldn't any business like a potential client base of over 200 million contacts?

It's so easy to use as well, and the best part of all is that it's absolutely free - simply pay a one-off fee for the software itself, and there's no need to worry about individual text costs, different service provider charges, etc. All you need is for your company website to support the software we provide, and that's it - no hidden costs, no provider charges and no monthly administration costs. Just one simple payment for the software, and it's yours to use for life!

How Does Mobile Text Advertising Work?

Unlike many other online advertising campaigns, mobile text advertising is simplicity itself to set up and maintain. The software itself runs in conjunction with your product, so no matter what industry you're in, you'll always be ahead of the game when it comes to advertising to your customers, both new and old.

If you already have an email permission form on your website, you'll be familiar with how mobile text advertising works. When the software is installed on your site, every visitor will automatically be asked if they want to receive information about your products. However, the difference is that instead of that information going to an email account, where it could be ignored or filtered out with anti-spam software, the advertisement goes directly to that user's mobile phone.

Since everyone has their mobile phone on them at all times (especially businessmen for whom it's often the make-or-break tool in any sale), you're guaranteed that your message is getting read. And what better way to attract new sales or repeat business than an already receptive audience?

And since all the legwork is done by the automated software, you don't even have to worry about maintaining a database, leaving you to concentrate on making the best profits! Profits which are made even larger since there is no cost to send texts via mobile advertising, since it uses Web-to-mobilephone software.

Setting Mobile Text Advertising Up

One of the truly great features offered by mobile text advertising is the ease in which it can be set up, particularly if you're a small to medium sized business with little or no IT support teams. The software is already pre-programmed to be tailored to any website, and because of this, you don't even need to know how to programme - all you need to know is how to copy paste text onto your website, and you can be up and running within 30 minutes.

Couple this with full updates whenever mobile phone carriers have their own software updates, as well as the fact that you can change the text and advertising images to anything that you want to tell customers about, and you can see why mobile text advertising is the only way forward for your company.

What Do I Do Now?

Now that you know how it works, you can surely see the numerous benefits your company can expect when you purchase the mobile text advertising software. What you probably don't realise is how inexpensive it currently is to get it for your own company.

For the one-off payment of $39.99, not only will you get the software to install on your website, but you'll also receive a full digital user guide, to make sure you get the best possible results. Also included are four bonus pieces of software, from marketing tips and strategies to a full resource directory to show you how to maximise sales and follow-up advertising.

So, if you want to get ahead of your competitors, there's really no need to wait any longer - get started with mobile text advertising today, and watch your sales fly in.

Sean Derfield is a bar owner, and online marketer. He has many sites that deal with bringing more business thru your doors.Ethelin Blog89838
Fae Blog35743

Copywriting Tips to Make Any Website Sell Better

Its a fact that one website will pull many times the leads or sales as a competing website. What causes this large variance in results? Its the copywriting on the website.

Heres what works best from actual results and testing on dozens of websites weve done the copywriting for.

1. Websites have one main end purpose and that is to sell your products and/or services, to move people to action, to make money. In todays high-tech world, most copywriting on websites forgets this vital fact and that is why they dont perform better.

2. Make the website easy to scan with headlines, sub headlines, boxes, sections, colors and the like that give the reader the main benefits he will get. Almost all people are scan first or scan only readers. The headlines and sub headlines should take advantage of this fact.

3. Tell the reader what he will LOSE if he does not take the recommended action. Fear of loss is a great motivator.

4. Build up excitement, enthusiasm, passion and urgency to get the reader to take the desired action right now. Yes, excitement is contagious and it sells!

5. Make a great offer to get the prospects email address. In todays overcrowded environment and with spam concerns, its not enough to just say enter your email address for our newsletter. Make a great offer including special reports, bonuses and the like in addition to the newsletter to get the maximum number of qualified signups.

6. Focus the copywriting because people want to buy from the expert specialists in a field. If the copy is too broad it will lose a lot of the best prospects, who of course, are the most likely to buy. A great way to do this is to have separated focused web pages for separate types of people or industries on the website.

7. Make the website as easy to use and find things as (for consumers) or (for businesses). The copywriting and organization of these sites is a key reason they are ultra-successful.

8. Start thinking like the website reader (the prospect) and stop thinking like the marketer. Figure out what the prospect wants most from the products or services that they deliver, then come right out and tell him what benefits hell get, why, and what he needs to do now. Simple but it brings in billions.

9. Compare the product or service against the competitors to show and prove its superiority.

10. Copywriting is king and queen for the website to sell the maximum number of people. The right copywriting can bring up to double, even triple or more the current results for no additional marketing cost. Hire the best copywriter the business can afford, and dont skimp because this one-time investment can be one of the best investments.

11. Test everything, measure it, use the winner, and always keep testing. This is the key to optimizing the website and all your marketing. Dont guess test and let the only vote that matters (the prospects) decide what works best.

Michael B. Pavlish is a successful copywriter who has sold products and services for almost every type of business since 1978 and the author of a best-selling ebook. For information go to http://www.MegaProfitCopywriting.comVivian Blog72969
Freddi Blog66663

7 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting A Business Blog

Blogging is the latest buzzword in online marketing and PR. But with so many marketers jumping on the blogging bandwagon, few people are giving a thought to whether blogs are really up their alley, or taking the time to consider the best ways of going about it.

If you are planning to start a business blog, ask yourself these questions before you take the final plunge.

1. Do you really need a blog?

Writing and maintaining a blog takes a certain degree of commitment, as well as a passion (or at least a liking) for stringing words into a decent sentence. If you don't enjoy writing that much, you could always create an audio or video blog.

But would your business objectives really be served by starting a blog? Or could other methods of online marketing - like SEO, ezine advertising or newsletter publishing work just as well, if not better?

2. Whom do you want to reach with your blog?

The first step to reaching your audience is understanding where they go to find information about your products.

If your audience largely consists of people who live in your town or use products that they search for in the newspapers, offline advertising might be more suited to your purpose.

If however, your target audience belongs to one or more of these segments, a blog might be just the thing to boost your business.

- Internet users

Does your target audience really use the internet? If not, then starting a blog (or any online activity, for that matter) will just be a huge waste of time and effort.

- Blog readers

Does your target audience read blogs? Or do they prefer to get their information in their inbox? If the latter is true, then an email newsletter might be a better option than a blog.

- Search engine users

A blog is an excellent way to boost your search engine rankings and get listed for a lot of your target keywords. If you know that your audience uses search engines to find information, a blog will increase your chances of getting their attention.

3. What do you want to achieve with your blog?

There are a lot of things that a blog can do for your business. Blogs can help you...

- Increase your visibility and search engine rankings

- Brand yourself, your products, your services, your company

- Build a community and network with people who have similar interests

- Expand your reach to those outside your current sphere of influence

- Establish your credibility as an expert or thought-leader in your field

- Put a human face on your business

- Reach out to potential customers and stakeholders

Deciding exactly what you want to achieve with your blog can help you get focused, so that you can spend your time and effort in activities that help, not hinder your business objectives.

4. How much time can you spend on your blog?

Serious business bloggers not only spend time writing their own blogs, but also spend a great deal of time reading up on current events and browsing other blogs in their field for information.

If you are prepared to put in the time and effort required to do that sort of research, your blog will serve as a good branding tool for your business. If not, you should either hire someone to do the research or seriously rethink your decision to start a blog.

5. What blogging platform will serve your needs best?

Deciding your blogging platform is an important step that you should take only after becoming familiar with the features and benefits of each option.

The reason it is so crucial is because it can be extremely difficult to migrate an established blog to a new platform once you have started it. Moving your blog can result in you losing your data, search engine listings and readers, so don't take this decision lightly.

Decide which platform will best meet your marketing objectives, time constraints and personal preferences before you make your first post.

If you are short of time, and want to spend more time writing, then a hosted solution like Blogger, Blogware, Squarespace or Typepad might serve your purpose better.

This might also prove a better option if you want to get started as soon as possible, are new to the internet, or are unfamiliar with scripts or code.

If, on the other hand, you're a control freak and don't mind spending some time and effort to customize your blog, then a server-installed software, like Wordpress, b2Evolution or Movable Type might be just right for you.

If you don't want to install the scripts yourself, choose a hosting solution with Fantastico, which comes with a one-click install of a number of blogging software.

6. How do you plan to promote your blog?

Why is it good to know this before you start your blog? Because it will help you decide where best to invest your time and effort when you need to build traffic to your blog.

You'll learn more about the methods to promote your blog later in this eCourse. Some of these tasks can be outsourced, while others you will have to do yourself.

Decide what you want to take on and look out for service providers to handle the other functions so you can start building traffic to your blog as soon as possible.

7. How will you assess the success of your blog?

To determine how successful your blog is in boosting your profile or profits you will have to measure your blog traffic and track sales or leads that have come through it.

Planning this in advance will help you take more informed decisions about your blogging metrics, choice of blogging platform and degree of customization you require on your blog.

Understand that blogging is not for everyone. It's just another form of communication. Don't get so hung up on the technology that you end up ignoring more appropriate ways of communicating your message.

Some things may be easier to communicate face to face, in a conference room, or even through the good old telephone.

But if you asked yourself all the questions above and decided that blogging meets all your objectives, then a blog may be just what the doctor ordered for your business.

Copyright 2006 Brian Anderson

Brian Anderson is an eBusiness consultant and offers marketeting courses, ebooks, and free newletter on marketing tips, resources and articles. http://www.profitexperts.bizFaythe Blog1608
Veronika Blog84141

Internet Marketing: Is Pay-Per-Click Advertising Still Profitable?

This is a million-dollar question that many Internet marketing professionals are still asking. One main stumbling block is the financial risk of this option. After all, this is pay-per-click, where you will have to pay for every visitor who click through to your site. Even then, there is no guarantee that these visitors will be converted into paying customers.

So is it all doom and gloom? Not exactly.

Just like any other business, all you need is a little bit of innovation and imagination to turn a simple idea into a winning formula, and pay-per-click is no different. In this article, I will share with you 3 simple ideas to turn your PPC advertising campaign into a highly profitable Internet marketing strategy for your online business.

1. Capture the contact details of your visitors

Before we go on, let us face this fact: it is almost impossible to turn first-time visitors into paying customers. Since you will be paying for every visitor in your PPC advertising, the challenge for you now is how you can maximize the price for every click.

Studies have shown that more than 85% of your customers will decide to make a purchase between the 5th to 12th contacts. So what you can do is to make sure that you collect their contact details by leading them into a lead capture page. By doing this, you will be turning them into leads from which you can slowly follow-up on them to derive some future sales.

An even better Internet marketing strategy is to lead your visitors into a squeeze page where they must enter their contact details before they can receive the rest of the content. This can increase the possibility if every visitor actually subscribing to your mailing list.

2. The famous Clickbank strategy

One very popular Internet marketing strategy is to lead your visitors into an affiliate programs sales page using your affiliate link. This is famously known as the 'Clickbank strategy', and is perhaps one of the easiest strategies to execute.

All you need to do is simply sign-up for a Clickbank account. Then, search for any product that has a very high conversion rate. This is very important, because you would want a sales page that is capable of converting the visitors into paying customers.

Once you have got what you are looking for, the next step is to get an affiliate link for that product and use your PPC advertising campaign to promote it. Now, you can just sit back, relax and wait for the checks to roll into your bank account.

Very simple, isn't it? No need for your own website, own domain name, nor your own hosting account. Just follow the steps above, and you would be on your way to earning some serious cash.

3. Lead visitors to a 'Adsense only' page

This Internet marketing strategy is considered black hat. It goes against the rules of Adsense, and can potentially lead to the suspension or banning of your account. But still, a lot of web publishers are actually employing this strategy.

It sounds simply enough: Pay for a visitor using a small bid. Lead that visitor to your page composed of AdSense ads that have a higher cost per click. The difference is the profit.

This is definitely against the rules book of AdSense because the pages are composed only of AdSense ads with no substantive content to boast, but it works for some web publishers who have the balls to try it out.

I wouldn't personally recommend this strategy, but if you decide to give it a shot, do so at your own risk.

Wyatt Lee is an expert author specializing on the subject of Internet marketing. Please visit his Internet marketing strategy blog at for all the best tips and latest news on the world of Internet marketing.Francyne Blog34020
Fayre Blog49044

Do You Need A Promotion

A promotion does not necessarily mean financial benefits, it also means more responsibility. Before you look to get a promotion on your Job there are certain things you must take into consideration.

First of all, think about your reasons to get a promotion. Can you handle more responsibility? Will the new job be what you want to do? Do you have skills that might benefit the company if they present you a higher position? If you have thought about all these questions, and you are sure you want the promotion, following are some tips that will make your chances or earning a promotion better.

Evaluate yourself; your abilities and skills that give you an edge over your coworkers and fit for getting a promotion. Make sure you have been giving that extra bit to your job, for example working overtime, presenting new ideas, completing your projects/assignments on time. Once you have all the facts right and you think you're ready for a promotion, it is time to show your boss you are. Find the right time and place to talk to your boss. Make sure he isn't under too much stress or too busy when you approach him.

You should take some time and study the company's situation before you go for a promotion. Make sure, the company has enough budgets to provide for your promotion. If you can not get a promotion, the least you can do is ask for more responsibility on your current job. More responsibility means more experience and more respect. You will automatically become a candidate for a promotion if they ever consider it or if a new position opens.

If you are a good employee your chances of getting a promotion are good. Getting a promotion, should not mean a change in attitude. You should continue to work hard and perhaps, even harder than before to cope with the extra responsibility that comes with a promotion. Not getting a promotion should not mean disappointment or change in your attitude towards your job. Consider the possibilities that perhaps, the company could not afford to have promoted you. Also consider that maybe you had not provided enough reason to the company that giving you a promotion could benefit them, and thus work harder on your job.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for and Blog44414
Verna Blog95372

Starting Your Own Home Business

Ok, so you have researched the facts, weighed the pros and cons and have finally decided that a home business is right for you. But now you need to figure out what type of business you want and how to proceed with marketing this business.

There are many types of home businesses but not all of them are right for all people. You need to ask yourself these questions: Do I want to start my own business from scratch? Do I just want to join an MLM and sell for someone else? Do I want to sell physical products or digital products? Do I want to do all the work online or offline too? Do I want help with my business or do I want to go solo? Do I just want to become an affiliate and sell other people's online products?

MLM/Direct Sales - The company you sell for is in control of how you run your business. You are paid a commission for sales and usually have to recruit a downline.

Distributorship - You are in control of your own business. You keep all profits and do not need to recruit a downline.

Digital Products - Selling digital products such as ebooks is done online and there is no need for an inventory, shipping or worrying about damaged goods.

Affiliate Programs - many people make a good online income just by selling other people's products.

Service Provider - This would include such things as virtual assistant, party planner, pet sitter, etc.

These types of businesses can be combined to form one very successful business. Such as applying for a distributorship and then also offering ebooks on your online store site.

Once you have chosen your business and gotten all your permits, tax numbers, etc, you will need to start marketing your new business. There are countless ways to do this online and offline.

Offline Marketing

Offline marketing would include: business cards, flyers, attending your community events and networking, attending expos, craft fairs, trade shows, postcards, phone calls, newsletter advertising, door hangers, radio, fundraisers, school functions, catalog distribution, mailing lists, home parties, car magnets, brochures, seminars, yellow pages and more. Use your creativity to come up with your own unique marketing ideas.

Online Marketing

Marketing strategies online include: link exchanges, search engines, autoresponders, online auctions, email press release, online chats/seminars, ebooks, blogging, tutorials, ad swapping, ezine publishing, article marketing and much more!

To market your home business takes a lot of work, consistency, time and commitment. Handing out a couple business cards and throwing up a website will not suffice. Work as many as these marketing ideas as you can. Find out which ones really work for you and then expand on them. Then try more!

I want to make sure you understand that you cannot treat your business as a hobby. If you want a successful business with a full time income, you have to work your business full time. If you find one of these programs that claim you can make thousands a week for 5 minutes of work, (that actually work) please let me know. In the meantime, start using some of these ideas and get your business name out there!

Terri Seymour has 10 years experience & has helped many people. Visit her site for more help, resources, $1 resell ebooks, weekly ezine & more.Esmeralda Blog87169
Fidelity Blog94348

Business Process Outsourcing in Action

Business process is the skeleton of a certain business activity. It involves the description of different tasks and possible outcomes that are associated with a specific business activity. It is essential in crafting the business goals of a certain corporate organization, which is clearly defined in the organizations business strategy.

Business process is classified into three categories, which are as follows:

The management processes, which is followed to run the operation of the business and comply with all existing yet relevant requirements.

The operational processes, which is followed in delivering the business value to clients, and is considered as an integral part of a corporate organizations core business.

The supporting processes, which is followed to support the core-based processes. It includes accounting, information technology (IT) support, and recruitment processes.

Being the skeleton of your organizations business activity, you must give utmost importance to your business process as a whole. This is extremely important since the success or failure in achieving the goals of your business will largely depend on the process that you have followed, together with your business strategies and plans. Thus, without an effective business process, your business is as good as dead when the time comes.

Realizing the importance of a business process in achieving their business objectives, there are companies that prefer to outsource some or all of their business process (most specifically the non-core processes) to third-party organizations. The main motive in outsourcing a business process is to allow the business to invest most of their time, financial, and human resources into core activities and focus on building effective strategies, which will fuel the growth of the company.

Since the global marketplace is fast-changing and highly-competitive, your business must concentrate on improving the productivity and at the same time trim down unnecessary costs. Non-core business processes are being outsourced since the tasks involved in these processes consumes time, essential resources, and energy. Thus, outsourcing these non-core business processes will help you achieve a cost-efficient system.

Non-core business processes that can be outsourced range from production to customer service to support functions (such as software development). Most companies that are outsourcing their business process are from Western countries and they are delegating the work to outsourcing firms located offshore, especially countries located on the Eastern hemisphere, such as China, Philippines, India, and Malaysia.

While more and more companies are becoming comfortable with outsourcing their business processes, outsourcing most of their learning and development functions is still a new approach to many learning professionals. Moving the training and learning model that is completely in-house to one that will be handled by other individuals outside the business is a big leap. However, as mentioned earlier, it is important that these processes receive equal importance and consideration for the benefit of your business as a whole. Thus, despite of business process outsourcing as a new approach, many training and learning professionals are starting to get the grip of the new system and subsequently will follow the outsourcing trend.

Business process, especially the non-core one, needs to be given equal importance and attention to achieve an efficient business operation. Outsourcing these business processes will not be a waste of time and financial resources, but rather a strategy to be followed. Surviving in this highly-competitive global marketplace is not as easy as you think. You need an option that will work to your advantage and that is outsourcing.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog23198
Fleur Blog77978

Internet Marketing Training Solutions

Have you signed up for a new internet marketing business and still dont know what to do? You decided some time ago that you wanted to work from home but you didnt know how to get started and there is a lot of information out there.

Maybe you found the business that you want to be marketing but you are still confused about where to market on the internet. There is email marketing, safelist advertising, classified advertising, search engine advertising and the list goes on. You even wonder what a search engine is? Theres a difference between free advertising and paid advertising. Theres traffic exchanges and banner advertising.

One of the most important lessons I have ever learned is to have a system and keep track of what you do. If we look at the system, we have to be sure it can function not only for you and me but also for those that will become part of your business. After all, network marketing is a business design that is meant to have a network of people that work together for the growth of the business. The structure is as important as the products that are being marketed.

Lets put the products to the side for the purpose of this article. The reason for this is because many of us have different companies that we are marketing products for and our purpose is to be a conveyance of products from the producer to the consumer, nothing more. When talking about a marketing system, we are talking about a system to introduce potential business owners to participate in one or more various aspects of the network marketing business. While talking about the marketing system, we are also talking about a marketing training program as well and this article is a component of an internet marketing training program.

We will break it down to a very simple form. Im going to take one aspect and that is list building. With this aspect, we will not get into advertising techniques except to remind ourselves that it is the internet advertising and also offline advertising (such as newspaper advertising and mail order advertising) that function to bring list building to fruition.

THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST. This is the one statement to remember if you forget everything else in your internet marketing training. Whether we are talking about network marketing, internet marketing, direct sales or any other marketing program, business is conducted by people working with people. This even goes for traditional business. What is the most powerful form advertisement? Word of mouth! In business, when you satisfy your customer, you will get 5, 10 maybe 20 referrals. When you let your customer down or act unprofessional, they will tell EVERYONE they know.

List building. List building is the number one activity for any business owner or network marketer. How you go about this is probably another 1500 articles! Lets keep it simple. The reason for putting someone on your list is so you hopefully have a customer for life. You introduce yourself through your advertising and invite the prospect to join your list. Maybe you didnt get that. This is the most important line in this article. Read it again: (You introduce yourself through your advertising and invite the prospect to join your list.) No matter how it happens, you are asking your prospect to join your list and they agree. This agreement could be in the form of them filling out a form on a website to sending an email to an autoresponder. Your goal is to add as many good quality prospects to your mailing list as possible so you can keep in touch with them through your mail system. Your mailing system could be them joining your opt-in mail, autoresponder, newsletter, ezine or etc.

Theres 2 distinct factors of your mailing list. First, you are advertising to invite new prospects to your mailing list. The second factor of your mailing list is mailing follow up messages to the people that agreed to join your list. Once you have your business(es) up and running, the people on your list are valuable to you. As an established internet marketer, each member of your list has an average monthly value to you. One major marketer commented that each member of his list is worth $1 per month on average. This doesnt mean everyone on his list sent him $1 every month but this is the average across everyone that was on his list. If this was a market average, this would mean you could estimate making $1,000 if your list had 1,000 members on it. Of course, you have to have the business or sales opportunities and mailings to your list to make this happen.

Now that you see the value of your mailing list, all you need to do is build it. For the purpose of this article, all I wanted to do is show you the value of your mailing list and the importance of having a System to build that mailing list with. Lets go one step further. Remember, I mentioned how you go about building that mailing list can be about 1500 articles? Lets keep it simple. Instead of going all over the internet looking for 1500 articles (most of them wont serve your purpose), keep in touch for more marketing tidbits of information. We will discuss building that mailing list with a generic marketing system. Further, the marketing system is designed to market any business that you are promoting. (We hope you are promoting a valid marketing program as well.)

Stephen SampsonErmengarde Blog9439
Ertha Blog41277

Starting An Ecommerce Business

The concept of e-commerce is fast becoming a huge advantage for both the vendor and consumer in todays fast moving and wired world.

For many businesses, e-commerce is fast becoming the only option, as companies become more and more driven to expand their company operations online.

Additionally E-commerce has several benefits and advantages not found in your typical brick and mortar location, and therefore, explains why so many businesses are flocking to get online.

E-commerce offers the ability to expand into global markets with a minimum of expense, and allow firms to reach narrow market segments that are geographically scattered.

Since the Internet is a very cost effective medium of delivery, the biggest advantage of online ecommerce is its cost efficiency. And heres why: Ecommerce decreases the cost of creating, processing, distributing, storing and retrieving paper-based information.

High mailing and printing costs are also lowered or, in many cases, completely eliminated as the buyer most often pays for the shipping of the products that they buy.

The cost of marketing of promotional material also drops dramatically, meaning that most companies see is the increase in sales e-commerce brings, and increased sales typically mean increased profits as well.

Still another advantage of moving your business online is that it allows you the flexibility to target market segmentation, which in turn allows companies to focus on a select group of customers, thus having a competitive advantage in giving them what they want and satisfying unique needs.

This benefit ties in with the advantage of customer customization, in which the concept of built-to-order, allowing for inexpensive customization of products and services and provides a competitive advantage for companies who adapt this strategy.

Doing business online also has the advantage of removing barriers of global trading due to the fact that the Internet is a zero-cost delivery channel, and thus, many products and services, which are generally delivered as a physical object or service, are now delivered virtually in the form of data. This removes barriers such as time, distance and of course cost.

E-commerce marketing also allow for real-time communications and the interchange of data in the supply chain, making the supply chain more effective.

By having better visibility across the supply chain, company inventory levels can be reduced, as supplies are more predictable. With lower inventory levels, costs can once again be automatically be decreased.

Lastly, this sort of ecommerce also allows information to flow freely between cooperating businesses, making it easier and simpler for organizations to share information.

The cost savings and efficiencies from sharing and economies of scale can have a profound effect on the profitability of any online business. As a result this has lead to the development of collaborative working practices around the world, as collaborating businesses manage, share, and enhance project work regardless of location.

It is important to consider, however, that buyers or customers also benefit from doing their buying online. As sales opportunities expand for the vendor, they also increase the buying opportunities and power for the buyer. Its a win / win for all involved.

Many buyers choose to shop online as it provides them with an almost unlimited variety of choices from many different products and services from a wider variety of sellers.

Consumers also benefit from less expensive products and services as e-commerce allows customers to shop the convenience to shop from any location and at any given time of the day.

Don Schnure is CEO and founder of Cyber Samurai Marketing Inc, a leading provider of online business and shopping cart software.Evangelina Blog76895
Verine Blog61023

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Business Plans - How They Help YOU!

Many people panic at the thought of writing a business plan; it sounds very formal and can be a daunting prospect. The fear of knowing what to include and what template to use (there are so many!) can be stressful. As an entrepreneur with a creative flair for new ideas, writing a business plan is likely to feel completely alien to you - dull and far removed from the reality of actually running a business. Well, heres the thing, a business plan is as much for YOU as it is for the audience you are presenting it to. Writing a business plan will provide clarity and vision to help you achieve your goals. It will ensure youve actually thought about every aspect of youve your business; your competitors, target audience, distribution, marketing and other fundamentals that could help or hinder your success. You could consider writing two business plans, one with a formal tone and one with a more passionate feel to it (the latter being specifically for you). Either way, remember the real goal of a business plan is to demonstrate you are an entrepreneur fully equipped to take on the world with your business, youre more than a dreamer youre a doer.

A business plan is a statement of intent; of your goals and missions, of the competition and industry you are entering, of your business strategy. The style and format of your business plan should be tailored to the audience you are writing it for. If you are going to a bank for funding, then you should stick to a formal business plan (summarized at the end of this article for you). If youre pitching to a business angel, you may wish to adopt a slightly different approach. Angels want to hear and see passion from you about your idea/business proposal, so you should think about how you could incorporate this into your business plan and make it a true reflection of you and your goals.

Remember, a successful business on paper doesnt necessarily translate into a successful business in real life, so dont worry too much about producing the perfect business plan. The key elements to include are:-

1. A full financial model
2. A marketing plan; including strategy, competition and product positioning
3. People management (including you)
4. A 2-5 year projection for the business

Whoever you are pitching to for funding, you should be able to demonstrate a complete knowledge of the industry you are looking at entering, including competition, target market, challenges etc. Knowledge is power and if you can competently and confidently talk about your business with real passion and enthusiasm, youll win the investors over every time. If you panic, flounder and are unable to answer numerous (all brought on by lack of insight and preparation) questions pitched to you, well Im sure you can deduce the outcome. The real purpose of a business plan is to demonstrate to investors that youve actually thought about your business, you have a clear vision and you know the challenges and possibilities.

A formal business plan should include the following:-

1. An Executive Summary
a. This is a summary of your business plan, highlighting the key points of interest and value. It should be concise but not superficial. It needs to grab the readers attention, so needs to be interesting think in marketing terms AIDA, Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. The aim is to get the investor to go through all of these states, resulting in the desire to invest in you.

2. Company Overview and Strategy
a. This should include the objectives, mission and feasibility of your company
b. The Price - detail what you plan to sell your product/service for and why you have decided on the price point outlined.
c. The Product - define your product and why you think there will be demand for it; include how you are going to develop it. What are the USPs? (Unique Selling Points)
d. Place state your distribution plans; how are you going to sell your product?
e. Promotion how are you going to promote your business? Think about your communications plan in terms of advertising, direct mail, merchandising, brand awareness

3. Competition
a. This should be as detailed and up-to-date as possible their products, customers, distribution, service, known strategies.

4. The Market
a. What is the size of the market you are looking at entering, trends, influences, threats?

5. Customers
a. What is the target audience? Where do they live? What do they do? How old are they? Male/Female bias?

6. Managerial
a. Include yourself in this part.
b. Detail other members of your team, their skill set and the value they bring to the business (experience is of great value)
c. Training required?

7. Financial Projections
a. Include forecasts, cash flow and funding.

Remember nothing is set in stone; there is no perfect template. But, if you know your market, product, finances and competition and have oodles of passion and enthusiasm, youll stand out as a professional rather than an amateur.

Emma Mitchell is the marketing director of a social networking site for budding entrepreneurs to build, promote, network and grow their business.Venita Blog92253
Feodora Blog72805

Tracking The Right Course For Efficient Marketing Tools

So you own a website. Like all the other people who own a website, they are keen whether they are using the right Internet marketing tools since almost the life span of their site depends on this.

The terrific design you have conceptualized in your website is of no use if you have ineffective Internet marketing tools. The excellent services, magnificent designs, and the superb product will only be wasted if you will not apply a good strategy on it.

Planning and executing effective Internet marketing tools definitely involves great importance. The number of traffic that goes into a website depends a lot on the way the site owner or the webmaster promotes the site.

Nowadays, sites found in the Internet thrive in numbers reaching to millions, so if you own one then you should know and apply the most efficient Internet marketing tools that will produce a booming result.

Several number of Internet marketing tools are available with a lot of them using different approaches, which can be utilized for raising your website traffic and earning more profits.

Basically, you must look for the clients that will patronize your site, find how the web surfers will be able to visit your site and device a marketing tool on how to keep them, coming back and take some friends with them. The best way for you to do this is to place yourself into their shoes, look how your website creates an impact by using their eyes.

You ask yourself, where do web surfers go whenever they find something on the web? Definitely, it's the search engine. Today the known websites on the web are the portals and the search engines. Hence, it is advisable to focus your efforts in Internet marketing on the search engine.

In most times, people search through the search engine and then link to the results that these engines produce. Thus, you should devise a way to hit the top ranks in search results; there are numerous Internet marketing tools that you can utilize like Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

The method of search engine optimization is geared towards the optimization and the manifestation of your sites by the density of the keyword. To gain a search engine-friendly website, the content of your site must hold a favorable density of keywords; these keywords should describe your site.

Also, the content is vital since all by itself, is the most essential Internet marketing tool. A substantial content is directly synonymous to a high rank in search engines.

Unfortunately, this is not as easy as it seems. Other website owners are also doing their strategies, there is always a tough competition in the market, thus, you should exert more in extracting strategic ideas for you to achieve your goal and be able to maintain more traffic.

The traditional techniques should only be second to your option such as the print ads, brochures, flyers, billboards, testimonials etc. Be practical, prefer the more efficient strategies in Internet marketing tools, remember you traffic lies here.

There is a method which is used today where there will be a bid for a keyword in a definite search engine, the Pay per Click advertising, when your bid ranks the highest, so as your site. This is also called Affiliate marketing.

There are thousand of sites already which are using this internet marketing tool. In fact, this became popular because of its effectiveness in producing a good number of traffic.

These are only two out of several Internet marketing tools. There are still other strategies that you can utilize for your sites to produce a vast number of web surfers, then a vast number of profits too.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information checkout and Blog48462
Evanne Blog84022

Why Start A Home Based Internet Marketing Business?

Every day more and more people connect to the information superhighway across the world. Eager to learn the set about exploring the wide expanse that is the Internet, and soon discover the wealth of products and services they can order online.

Naturally, as more people come on line, so more people become aware of the multitude of opportunities to provide those products and services online, and in the process become very wealthy indeed.

I am sure youve heard the stories of people who have made millions of dollars online and make hundreds and thousands of dollars a week. You could do that too you know; if you wanted to.

However, without careful planning and thought you may discover that instead of making millions you lose the shirt of your back. Again there are many stories of people who have lost everything through Internet Marketing (or IM as it is often known).

Now I am sure you want to be in the first category, not the second when it comes to making money, dont you?

The beauty of Internet Marketing is that it is a work from home business you dont need an office, you dont need employees, it can simply be a home based business opportunity for the entrepreneur. Most of the richest people online work from their spare room and have no employees!

Wouldnt that be a wonderful life to live? Instead of commuting for hours and facing hordes of traffic and busy people, your commute consists of wander across the house in your dressing gown. Sounds like an ideal life doesnt it?

So how do you go about setting up your own Internet Empire and making a living online?

Firstly, you need to PLAN. Plan your online internet marketing business very carefully. What do you want to do? What are you going to sell? How are you going to sell it?

Next you need to TAKE ACTION. You may have all the plans in the world, but unless you take action then you will never get anywhere.

Finally, you need to RESPOND to FEEDBACK. This means look at the results from what you are doing and notice what results you are getting. If you are not getting the results you want then you need to change your approach. Keep changing your approach until you get the results you desire. Remember though that you do need to give your project a reasonable amount of time to make sure it works.

If you do this, then you will be much more assured of success than every other new Internet Marketer. Through a guide such as Intimate Confessions Of Internet Marketers The Shocking Truth About Making Money Online you can learn the secrets of Internet Marketing and how you can create an incredible business for yourself.

By Lama Kalla © 2006

Lama Kalla "The Cyberspace Invader" is a fearless author and entrepreneur both on and offline. Lama has started a one woman crusade to eliminate the hype and help new Internet marketers get their projects off the ground and bringing in an income. Secure your copy now of her new ebook which will rock cyberspace Fabrianne Blog23784
Frederica Blog67452

Six Tips For TARGETING Your Prospects

Would you like to have the webtraffic that the top promotors get? You can buy MLM leads or use a traffic system. I am going to give you a few ways to attract more qualified prospects to your program and tell you ways to help them once they are part of your business.

1. Laser Target Your Potential Prospects

You must target people who want what you are selling. You don't want to sell your program or products to a very general audience. If you are too general, your response rate will be very low and of poor quality. If you are in a health food MLM, you don't want people that are interested in selling cell phones looking at your opportunity, you want people who are interested in selling health food products.

2. Get The Best Bang For Your Buck

Learn how to properly advertise on pay-per-click search engines. Don't be too general - you need specific keywords that apply to what you are offering. If done properly, this is one of the best ways to bring qualified prospects to your site.

3. Test, Test & Test Again

You can always improve on your advertising copy. Different ad copy, with some changes to your ads, can make a big difference to your click through rate. Test many keywords with changes to your ad and see what works best. Promote the ads that receive the most click throughs to get the targeted prospects to your site.

4. Other Options

You know Google is one of the biggest, but they are certainly not the only search engine out there. If you are just starting out or have a limited budget, look at some other options like GoClick and Search-World. There are so many places online that offer pay-per-click advertising that it could make your head spin...but stay focused and just start small with one or two ads.

5. Have A System And A Plan

You would be surprised to realize how many people get into MLM and Network Marketing that just sign up to a program and then sit there and do nothing. So, will it surprise you to find out that the reason they are doing nothing is because they don't have a clear plan of action?

6. Your Website & Follow Up

Your website needs to be your sales page. If you are getting website traffic but no signups, there is a problem with your website design. You need to have a way to "capture" your prospects name and phone number when they come to your site.

When you start getting prospects to your site, make sure you contact them and say something like, " I see you visited my site. I would just like to introduce myself to you and see if you have any questions." This is what will set you apart from everyone else.

How many times have you recieved personal support from your upline? Sure, sometimes you may get lucky, but the majority would say, "Once I got in I was on my own."

For assured success: Make sure you follow up with everyone and make sure they have a plan of action and goals.

Just support your new members like you would like to be treated yourself. You need a "system" that they can follow, and give your new business partners a day by day, step by step plan of action that they can follow. If you do it right, you will have a true MLM system that works. A traffic system will allow you to drive more qualified prospects to your website, assuring that you can make money online instead of wasting your time and money on useless advertising.

James Shutt has been in the network marketing industry since 1990. As an Excel Communications representative, he built a large organization and had a flourishing business until the company went bankrupt.Felicdad Blog63844
Viole Blog12404
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